Rimanete connessi ai vostri dati sul campo

Your data is worth its weight in gold.
Do you need permanent access to your data?
Our line of smart multi-protocol hubs make it possible by easily interfacing with all your photovoltaic installations, your sensor networks and your meters (water, electricity, gas).

In quanto professionisti del vostro settore di attività, siete gli unici in grado di dare un significato ai dati dei vostri oggetti connessi e di arricchirne il valore per i vostri clienti. L’accesso ai dati sul campo è una parte essenziale delle prestazioni della vostra soluzione aziendale.

Webdyn è leader europeo nella fornitura di gateway di telecomunicazione per oggetti connessi multiprotocollo e garantisce un accesso permanente ai dati.

La nostra esperienza vi aiuta a rendere i vostri dati intelligenti.


Monitorate e raccogliete i dati del vostro impianto fotovoltaico da inverter, contatori elettrici e sensori ambientali sulla vostra piattaforma. Controllate l’energia prodotta decidendo come distribuirla tra la parte reimmessa in rete, quella utilizzata per l’autoconsumo e quella stoccata nelle batterie.


Raccogliete i dati dei vostri contatori o sensori in modo autonomo, indipendentemente dalla tecnologia radio utilizzata (Wireless M-Bus, LoRa, ecc.) e dalla posizione dei vostri sensori negli edifici, installando facilmente i vostri gateway e sensori.


Accedete ai dati dei vostri arredi urbani connessi, dei vostri contatori di acqua-gas-elettricità, dei vostri sistemi di illuminazione pubblica per offrire alla popolazione locale il servizio migliore.

In quanto professionisti del vostro settore di attività, siete gli unici in grado di dare un significato ai dati dei vostri oggetti connessi e di arricchirne il valore per i vostri clienti. L’accesso ai dati sul campo è una parte essenziale delle prestazioni della vostra soluzione aziendale.

Webdyn è leader europeo nella fornitura di gateway di telecomunicazione per oggetti connessi multiprotocollo e garantisce un accesso permanente ai dati.

La nostra esperienza vi aiuta a rendere i vostri dati intelligenti.


Monitorate e raccogliete i dati del vostro impianto fotovoltaico da inverter, contatori elettrici e sensori ambientali sulla vostra piattaforma. Controllate l’energia prodotta decidendo come distribuirla tra la parte reimmessa in rete, quella utilizzata per l’autoconsumo e quella stoccata nelle batterie.


Raccogliete i dati dei vostri contatori o sensori in modo autonomo, indipendentemente dalla tecnologia radio utilizzata (Wireless M-Bus, LoRa, ecc.) e dalla posizione dei vostri sensori negli edifici, installando facilmente i vostri gateway e sensori.


Accedete ai dati dei vostri arredi urbani connessi, dei vostri contatori di acqua-gas-elettricità, dei vostri sistemi di illuminazione pubblica per offrire alla popolazione locale il servizio migliore.



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Wireless M-Bus

Soluzione IoT tutto in uno

Protocolli Modbus& e inverter

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  • Questo campo serve per la convalida e dovrebbe essere lasciato inalterato.


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No, the concentrator is not able to decrypt data from WM-BUS equipment because it does not have a safe on board to guarantee the security of the encryption keys of your equipment. The recovered data is deposited without modification (without decryption) by the concentrator on your remote server.
Please check these items in this order:
  • the battery level: if the battery level is too low or empty, the product will not run properly or not run at all.
  • Modem reception level: a bad signal at the modem may also prevent the hub from uploading files. Look to move the product or install an external antenna to improve signal quality.
  • The last configuration file: a bad configuration file can block the product.

Remotely, by checking the regularly uploaded files if the product configuration is correct.

On site, by passing the magnet over the product, you will hear 3 short beeps.

Replace the product and inject the configuration from the old product into the new one. If a white list is used, remember to inject it into the new product as well.





Gateway configuration:

Start by checking that the computer’s IP parameters are compatible with the WebdynSunPM IP address (by default

Launch a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc.) and enter the WebdynSunPM concentrator IP address in the address bar. An authentication page is displayed:

The default accesses are:

IdentifiantMot de passe

Click “Login”

There are two configuration solutions, using the web interface and using text messages:
  • Configuration using the web interface:
Start by establishing a connection to the concentrator by connecting to it to access the server configuration: Enter the “ethernet” or “modem” connection type: For an ethernet configuration, make sure the IP parameters are compatible with server access according to the concentrator local network configuration. For an ethernet connection, the configuration must be compatible with the concentrator’s local network topology so that it can access the servers. This configuration is done from the “Networks” configuration page (see section “Networks). For a modem connection, the modem configuration must be correct before a connection can be set up. This configuration is done from the “Modem” configuration page (see section “Modem). The parameters for the servers to be configured are at least the following: Therefore the following fields need to be configured: “Interface”, “Type”, “Server type”, “Address”, “Port”, “Login” and “Password”. The other fields can be left at the default values subject to the directories having been properly created beforehand. See section 3.1.2: “Configuration files for more details.
  • Text message configuration:
Text message configuration requires sending the following commands:
      • Apn: to configure the SIM card APN. (see section 3.2:“apn” modem configuration command)
      • Ftp: to configure the FTP server that will contain the concentration configuration (see section 3.3: “ftp” FTP configuration command”).
      • Connect: to launch the connection to the FTP server and load the configuration (see section 3.1: ““connect” connection command

Access to the FTP server depends on the selected solution.

If you have chosen a portal, it will give you the FTP server access identifiers.

If you want to use your own FTP server, contact your network administrator.

For all other configurations, and to determine the best solution, contact the Webdyn sales department which will advise you and direct you to the relevant contacts: contact@webdyn.com

General gateway use

There are 2 methods to force a concentrator factory reset:
  • Press the Factory Reset button on the concentrator for 20 seconds:
Wait. The concentrator will reboot using its factory configuration.
  • If a SIM card is installed and configured, a “factory” text message can also be used for factory reset. Just send the “factory” text message to the SIM card phone number (see section 3.7: “factory” reset command”)

It is possible to send commands to connected devices if they accept them.

The WebdynSunPM can store up to 50Mb of uncompressed data per declared device.

If there is no access to the remote server, the WebdynSunPM concentrator can store the data for several months.

The maximum data storage time varies depending on the amount of data to be collected and the configured collection frequency.

The average storage time varies from 3 to 4 months.

The average service life of the battery is 5 years.

It may vary depending on the installation environment.

All our products are guaranteed for 2 years.

For more information, read the general terms and conditions of sale.

The data volume depends on the exchanged files.

The average is about 5 MB per month but this varies from one installation to another.

Inverter compatibility

See section 1.4: “Supported devices”.

Modbus device compatibility:

Yes, different Modbus devices can be connected to the same serial port.

Device compatibility:

    • Same type of RS485 or 4 wire connection.
    • All devices should be able to be configured using identical bus specifications. Same speed, same parity, same number of stop bits and data bits on all devices and on the WebdynSunPM.
    • Each device must be assigned a unique Modbus address (between 1 and 247) on the bus. (UnitID)




  • Start by checking that your computer’s IP parameters are compatible with the WebdynSun’s “IP” address (the default is 
  • Next, launch a web browser (Firefox or IE) and enter the WebdynSun’s IP address in the address bar. An authentication page will appear: 

The default accesses are:
Username: userhigh
Password: high

  • Click on “log in”  

There are two types of configuration: via the web interface or via SMS.

Configuration of the web interface:

1/ Go to the configuration page with the gateway IP address (default

2/ Go to the Configuration tab.

3/ Select either the Ethernet or modem connection mode:

If connecting via the local network (Ethernet):

  • Edit the WebdynSun’s IP parameters by assigning it a network-compatible address.

Please note, all fields must be completed in accordance with the configuration of your local network.

If connecting via the GPRS network (Modem):

  • Change the connection settings of the GPRS modem to the settings provided by your mobile operator.

4/ Edit the FTP server parameters.

5/ Confirm the changes.

6/ Restart the WebdynSun gateway using the new settings.

7/ In the menu, click on the “installation” tab, followed by the “connection” sub-tab and start the connection.

Configuration via SMS:

This configuration method requires the use of an active SIM card with a data option and a pin code that must be either “0000” or disabled.
The SIM card must be inserted into the unit before connection to the mains supply.
After connection to the mains supply, send the following SMS messages to the number of the previously inserted SIM card:

SMS for configuring the APN:
After replacing the generic fields with those of your operator, send the following SMS*:

Replace the above SMS fields with the following information:

  • apn_name: APN name supplied by your mobile operator
  • user_name: APN ID supplied by your mobile operator
  • password: APN password supplied by your mobile operator

SMS for FTP configuration:
After replacing the generic fields with those of your FTP server, send the following SMS*:

Replace the above SMS fields with the following information:

  • server_name: FTP server address
  • user_name: FTP account ID
  • Password: FTP account password
  • Port: FTP server port (the default port is 21)

Connection SMS:

Send the word “connect” by SMS* to launch a connection to the FTP server

*Please note: the formatting of the SMS must be exactly identical to that shown above (e.g.: no spaces between characters, etc.)

There are 2 ways of resetting the gateway.

  • If connecting by Ethernet:
    • Disconnect from the mains
    • Remove the cover
    • Disconnect the battery
    • Put the DIP Switch 2 on the WebdynSun card in “ON” position
    • Start the WebdynSun by connecting it only to the mains power supply
    • Wait until all the LEDs flash and then stop flashing (3 to 5 mins).
    • Disconnect from the mains
    • Reset the Dip Switch 2 to “OFF” 
    • Reconnect the battery
    • Reconnect to the mains supply and the WebdynSun starts normally.
  • If there is a SIM card inserted in the unit:
    • Send an SMS message containing the word “factory” to the number of the inserted SIM card.

NB : Resetting the gateway restores the configuration to its original state. Please note: data will be saved but the specific settings will not. Therefore, all the settings must be reconfigured.

Commands can be sent to connected devices with the exception of certain inverters and Modbus slaves that do not accept write requests.

If the device allows it, command files can be created on the FTP server.

The WebdynSun has a memory of about 100MB.

Therefore, if the remote server cannot be accessed, the WebdynSun gateway can backup data for several months.
The maximum data backup time varies depending on the amount of data to be collected.

The average backup time ranges from 3 to 4 months.

The average battery life is 5 years.

It may vary depending on the installation environment.

Yes, data may be sent to a PLC if the latter is equipped with a Modbus protocol.
The “Report” configuration file allows the WebdynSun gateway to automatically write the values read on a Modbus slave

All our products are guaranteed for 2 years.

For further information, please see our general conditions of sale.

Files uploaded by the WebdynSun gateway are compressed in Gz format.

The data contained in these files is structured in csv format.

The data volume depends on the files exchanged.

The average is about 5 MB per month but this varies from one installation to another.


Different brands of inverter may be connected to the RS485(B) port or via the Ethernet port if the inverter protocol is based on the Modbus protocol (RTU or TCP).

However, different brands of inverters cannot be connected to the same RS485(A) port.

For a list of compatible inverters, please see the product page of the WebdynSun data gateway
  • Check if the correct inverter protocol is selected before starting detection:
  • Check the wiring and configuration of the inverters by referring to the inverter appendices.
  • Check that the inverters are not in OFF or stand-by mode.
  • Check that the line end plugs on the RS 485(A) Bus are turned on.


Yes, any device you wish to connect must be configured and its Modbus definition file must be created.

The configuration is mainly based on the RS485 serial bus parameters and the IP parameters.

Yes, different Modbus devices can be connected to the same RS485 (B) port.

However, they must have the same communication parameters (bus parameters or compatible IP parameters), in order for them to communicate with each other.

Appendices and other documents

Appendices and other documents

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Annexes et autres documents

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Anhänge und andere Dokumente

Annexes et autres documents

Anexos y otros documentos

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Annexes et autres documents

Anexos y otros documentos

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Annexes et autres documents

Appendices and other documents

Appendices and other documents

Appendices and other documents

Appendices and other documents

Appendices and other documents

Appendices and other documents

Appendices and other documents

Appendices and other documents

Appendices and other documents

Anexos y otros documentos

  • ADVERTENCIA: Para la versión antigua con TARJETA SIM el código pin es 0000 puedes actualizar en esta versión. Para el segundo caso: cuando inserta una TARJETA SIM con un código PIN, se usa 0000 en esta versión (4.07.02). No se permite bajar a una versión anterior.


Anexos y otros documentos

  • ADVERTENCIA: Para la versión antigua con TARJETA SIM el código pin es 0000 puedes actualizar en esta versión. Para el segundo caso: cuando inserta una TARJETA SIM con un código PIN, se usa 0000 en esta versión (4.07.02). No se permite bajar a una versión anterior.


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Preguntas frecuentes

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Preguntas frecuentes

Anexos y otros documentos

Preguntas frecuentes

Anhänge und andere Dokumente

  • ACHTUNG: Für die alte Version mit SIM-Karte lautet der PIN-Code 0000. Sie können in dieser Version aktualisieren. Für den zweiten Fall: Wenn Sie eine SIM-Karte mit dem PIN-Code 0000 einlegen, der in dieser Version (4.07.02) verwendet wird, ist ein Downgrade auf eine frühere Version nicht zulässig.


Anhänge und andere Dokumente

  • ACHTUNG: Für die alte Version mit SIM-Karte lautet der PIN-Code 0000. Sie können in dieser Version aktualisieren. Für den zweiten Fall: Wenn Sie eine SIM-Karte mit dem PIN-Code 0000 einlegen, der in dieser Version (4.07.02) verwendet wird, ist ein Downgrade auf eine frühere Version nicht zulässig.


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Appendices and other documents

  • Warning – Firmware update V4.07.02 For the old version with SIM CARD of the pin code is 0000 you can update in this version. For the second case : When you insert a SIM CARD with pin code is 0000 used in this version (4.07.02) Downgrading to a previous version is not permitted.


Appendices and other documents

  • Warning – Firmware update V4.07.02 – For the old version with SIM CARD of the pin code is 0000 you can update in this version.

    For the second case : When you insert a SIM CARD with pin code is 0000 used in this version (4.07.02) Downgrading to a previous version is not permitted.


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Annexes and other documents


Anexos y otros documentos

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Notas de aplicación

Product End of Life Cycle

Preguntas frecuentes

Configuración de la pasarela:

Comenzar verificando que los parámetros IP del ordenador son compatibles con la dirección IP de la WebdynSunPM (por defecto

Lanzar un navegador Web (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari…) e ingresar la dirección IP del concentrador WebdynSunPM en la barra de dirección. Se visualizará una página de autentificación:

Los accesos por defecto son:


Hacer clic en “Login”

Existen dos soluciones de configuración, a través de la interfaz web y a través de SMS:
  • Configuración a través de la interfaz web:
Establecer en primer lugar una conexión en el concentrador conectándose en el mismo para acceder a la configuración de los servidores: Ingresar el modo de conexión “ethernet” o “módem”: En el caso de una configuración por ethernet, tener el cuidado de que los parámetros IP sean compatibles con el acceso al servidor según la configuración de la red local del concentrador. En el caso de una conexión por ethernet, la configuración debe ser compatible con la topología de la red local del concentrador para que pueda acceder a los servidores. Esta configuración se hace a través de la página de configuración “Networks”  (ver capítulo “Redes (Networks)). En el caso de una conexión por módem, la configuración del módem debe ser correcta antes de poder efectuar una conexión. Esta configuración se hace en la página de configuración “Modem” (ver capítulo “Módem). Los parámetros de los servidores a configurar como mínimo son los siguientes: Por lo tanto, hay que los campos: “Interface”, “Type”, “Server type”, “Address”, “Port”, “Login” y “Password”. Los otros campos se pueden dejar a los valores por defecto, a condición de que los repertorios hayan sido creados antes correctamente. (Ver capítulo 3.1.2 : “Archivos de configuración para más detalles.
  • Configuración por SMS:
La configuración por SMS necesita enviar los siguientes comandos:
    • Apn: para configurar el APN de la tarjeta SIM. (ver capítulo 3.2: “Comando de configuración del módem “apn”)
    • Ftp: para configurar el servidor FTP que tendrá la configuración del concentrador (ver capítulo 3.3: “Comando de configuración del FTP “ftp”).
    • Connect: para lanzar la conexión al servidor FTP y cargar la configuración (ver capítulo 3.1: “Comando de conexión “Connect” 

El acceso al servidor FTP depende de la solución adoptada.

Si usted ha seleccionado un portal, los identificadores de acceso al servidor FTP este se los comunica.

Si desea utilizar su propio servidor FTP, contacte con su administrador de red.

Para todas las otras configuraciones y para determinar la solución que conviene mejor, hay que contactar con el servicio comercial Webdyn que sabrá aconsejarle y redirigirlo a los interlocutores pertinentes: contact@webdyn.com

Utilización general de la pasarela

Existen 2 métodos para forzar un regreso a los parámetros de fábrica del concentrador:
  • Pulsar el botón Retour Usine del concentrador durante 20 segundos:
Esperar. El concentrador arrancará con su configuración de fábrica.
  • Si está instalada y configurada una tarjeta SIM, un SMS “factory” también permite efectuar un retorno de fábrica. Basta con enviar el SMS “factory” al número de teléfono de la tarjeta SIM (ver capítulo 3.7: “Comando de regreso de fábrica “factory”)

Es posible enviar comandos a los equipos conectados si este los acepta.

La WebdynSunPM memoriza hasta 50Mo de datos no comprimidos por equipo declarado.

En caso de no acceso al servidor distante, el concentrador WebdynSunPM puede, por esta razón, almacenar los datos durante varios mes.

El tiempo máximo de almacenamiento de datos varía en función de la cantidad de datos a recopilar y de la frecuencia de la recopilación configurada.

La duración media de salvaguardia varía entre 3 y 4 mes.

La duración de vida promedio de la batería es de 5 años.

Puede variar según el entorno de la instalación.

Todos nuestros productos tienen una garantía de 2 años.

Para más información, consulte nuestras condiciones generales de venta.

El volumen de datos depende de los archivos intercambiados.

El promedio es del orden de 5 Mo por mes y varía para cada instalación.

Compatibilidad de los inversores

Ver capítulo 1.4: “Equipos soportados”.

Compatibilidad de los equipos modbus:

Sí, es posible conectar diferentes equipos Modbus en el mismo puerto serie.

Compatibilidad de los equipos:

  • Mismo tipo de enlace RS485 2 o 4 cables.
  • Todos los equipos se deben poder configurar con características de bus idénticas. Misma velocidad, misma paridad, misma cantidad de stop bits y de data bits en todos los equipos y en la WebdynSunPM.
  • A cada equipo se le debe atribuir una dirección Modbus única (entre 1 y 247) en el bus. (UnitID)

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Andere Bedienungsanleitungen


Product End of Life


Konfigurieren des Gateways:

Prüfen Sie zunächst, ob die IP-Parameter des Computers mit der IP-Adresse von WebdynSunPM kompatibel sind (standardmäßig

Starten Sie einen Webbrowser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, …) und geben Sie die IP-Adresse des WebdynSunPM-Hubs in die Adresszeile ein. Eine Authentifizierungsseite wird angezeigt:

Die Standard-Login-Daten lauten:


Klicken Sie auf „Login“

Die Konfiguration ist auf zwei Arten möglich, über die Web-Oberfläche und per SMS:
  • Konfiguration über die Web-Oberfläche:
Stellen Sie zunächst eine Verbindung zum Hub her, indem Sie sich anmelden, um auf die Serverkonfiguration zuzugreifen: Geben Sie den Verbindungsmodus „ethernet“ oder „modem“ ein: Stellen Sie bei einer Ethernet-Konfiguration sicher, dass die IP-Parameter mit dem Serverzugriff entsprechend der lokalen Netzwerkkonfiguration des Hubs kompatibel sind. Bei einer Ethernet-Verbindung muss die Konfiguration mit der lokalen Netztopologie des Hubs kompatibel sein, damit dieser auf die Server zugreifen kann. Diese Konfiguration erfolgt über die Konfigurationsseite „Networks“ (siehe Kapitel „Netzwerke (Networks)“). Bei einer Modemverbindung muss das Modem korrekt konfiguriert sein, bevor eine Verbindung hergestellt werden kann. Diese Konfiguration erfolgt auf der Konfigurationsseite „Modem“ (siehe Kapitel „Modem“). Die minimal zu konfigurierenden Serverparameter sind folgende: Diese Felder müssen konfiguriert werden: „Interface“, „Type“, „Server type“, „Address“, „Port“, „Login“ und „Password“. In den übrigen Feldern können die Standardwerte beibehalten werden, solange die Verzeichnisse zuvor korrekt angelegt wurden. Weitere Einzelheiten siehe Kapitel 3.1.2: Konfigurationsdateien“.
  • Konfiguration per SMS:
Die Konfiguration per SMS kann durch folgende Befehle vorgenommen werden:
    • Apn: zum Konfigurieren des APN der SIM-Karte. (siehe Kapitel 3.2: „Modem-Konfigurationsbefehl „apn““)
    • Ftp: zum Konfigurieren des FTP-Servers, der die Konfiguration des Hubs enthalten soll (siehe Kapitel3.3: FTP-Konfigurationsbefehl „ftp““).
    • Connect: zum Starten der Verbindung zum FTP-Server und zum Laden der Konfiguration (siehe Kapitel3.1: Verbindungsbefehl „Connect“ 

Die Zugangsdaten für den FTP-Server hängen von der gewählten Lösung ab.

Wenn Sie ein Portal gewählt haben, erhalten Sie die Zugangsdaten für den FTP-Server von diesem.

Wenn Sie einen eigenen FTP-Server verwenden möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Netzwerkadministrator.

Für alle anderen Konfigurationen und für die Auswahl der am besten geeigneten Lösung sollten Sie sich an die Webdyn-Vertriebsabteilung wenden, die Sie beraten und an die entsprechenden Ansprechpartner weiterleiten kann: contact@webdyn.com

Allgemeine Nutzung des Gateways

Es gibt 2 Methoden, um das Zurücksetzen auf die Werkseinstellungen des Hubs zu erzwingen:
  • Halten Sie die Taste Werksrückstellung am Hub für 20 Sekunden gedrückt:
Warten Sie. Der Hub startet nach ein paar Augenblicken mit der Werkseinstellung neu.
  • Wenn eine SIM-Karte installiert und konfiguriert ist, kann mit dem SMS-Befehl „factory“ auch eine Werksrückstellung durchgeführt werden. Senden Sie dafür einfach eine SMS mit dem Befehl „factory“ an die Rufnummer der SIM-Karte (siehe Kapitel 3.7: „Befehl Werksrückstellung „factory““)

Es ist möglich, Befehle an das angeschlossene Gerät zu senden, wenn letzteres diese akzeptiert.

Der WebdynSunPM speichert maximal 50MB unkomprimierte Daten pro definiertem Gerät.

Bei Nichtzugriff auf den Remote-Server kann der WebdynSunPM-Hub so Daten über mehrere Monate speichern.

Die maximale Datenspeicherzeit hängt von der zu erfassenden Datenmenge und der konfigurierten Erfassungshäufigkeit ab.

Die durchschnittliche Speicherzeit beträgt 3 bis 4 Monate.

Die durchschnittliche Lebensdauer der Batterie beträgt circa 5 Jahre.

Sie hängt vom Umfeld der Anlage ab.

Alle unsere Produkte haben eine Garantielaufzeit von 2 Jahren.

Weitere Informationen hierzu erhalten Sie in unseren Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen.

Das Datenvolumen hängt von den ausgetauschten Dateien ab.

Der Durchschnitt liegt bei ca. 5 MB pro Monat und ist bei jeder Anlage anders.

Kompatibilität der Wechselrichter

Siehe Kapitel 1.4: „Unterstützte Geräte“.

Kompatibilität der Modbus-Geräte:

Ja, es ist möglich, verschiedene Modbus-Geräte an denselben seriellen Port anzuschließen.

Kompatibilität der Geräte:

  • Gleicher Verbindungstyp RS485 2-Draht oder 4-Draht.
  • Alle Geräte müssen mit identischen Buseigenschaften konfigurierbar sein. Gleiche Geschwindigkeit, gleiche Parität, gleiche Anzahl von Stoppbits und Datenbits auf allen Geräten und im WebdynSunPM.

Jedem Gerät muss eine eindeutige Modbus-Adresse (zwischen 1 und 247) auf dem Bus zugewiesen werden. (UnitID)

Appendices and other documents

Other manuals

Application Notes

Product End of Life Cycle


Gateway configuration:

Start by checking that the computer’s IP parameters are compatible with the WebdynSunPM IP address (by default

Launch a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc.) and enter the WebdynSunPM concentrator IP address in the address bar. An authentication page is displayed:

The default accesses are:

IdentifiantMot de passe

Click “Login”

There are two configuration solutions, using the web interface and using text messages:
  • Configuration using the web interface:
Start by establishing a connection to the concentrator by connecting to it to access the server configuration: Enter the “ethernet” or “modem” connection type: For an ethernet configuration, make sure the IP parameters are compatible with server access according to the concentrator local network configuration. For an ethernet connection, the configuration must be compatible with the concentrator’s local network topology so that it can access the servers. This configuration is done from the “Networks” configuration page (see section “Networks). For a modem connection, the modem configuration must be correct before a connection can be set up. This configuration is done from the “Modem” configuration page (see section “Modem). The parameters for the servers to be configured are at least the following: Therefore the following fields need to be configured: “Interface”, “Type”, “Server type”, “Address”, “Port”, “Login” and “Password”. The other fields can be left at the default values subject to the directories having been properly created beforehand. See section 3.1.2: “Configuration files for more details.
  • Text message configuration:
Text message configuration requires sending the following commands:
      • Apn: to configure the SIM card APN. (see section 3.2:“apn” modem configuration command)
      • Ftp: to configure the FTP server that will contain the concentration configuration (see section 3.3: “ftp” FTP configuration command”).
      • Connect: to launch the connection to the FTP server and load the configuration (see section 3.1: ““connect” connection command

Access to the FTP server depends on the selected solution.

If you have chosen a portal, it will give you the FTP server access identifiers.

If you want to use your own FTP server, contact your network administrator.

For all other configurations, and to determine the best solution, contact the Webdyn sales department which will advise you and direct you to the relevant contacts: contact@webdyn.com

General gateway use

There are 2 methods to force a concentrator factory reset:
  • Press the Factory Reset button on the concentrator for 20 seconds:
Wait. The concentrator will reboot using its factory configuration.
  • If a SIM card is installed and configured, a “factory” text message can also be used for factory reset. Just send the “factory” text message to the SIM card phone number (see section 3.7: “factory” reset command”)

It is possible to send commands to connected devices if they accept them.

The WebdynSunPM can store up to 50Mb of uncompressed data per declared device.

If there is no access to the remote server, the WebdynSunPM concentrator can store the data for several months.

The maximum data storage time varies depending on the amount of data to be collected and the configured collection frequency.

The average storage time varies from 3 to 4 months.

The average service life of the battery is 5 years.

It may vary depending on the installation environment.

All our products are guaranteed for 2 years.

For more information, read the general terms and conditions of sale.

The data volume depends on the exchanged files.

The average is about 5 MB per month but this varies from one installation to another.

Inverter compatibility

See section 1.4: “Supported devices”.

Modbus device compatibility:

Yes, different Modbus devices can be connected to the same serial port.

Device compatibility:

    • Same type of RS485 or 4 wire connection.
    • All devices should be able to be configured using identical bus specifications. Same speed, same parity, same number of stop bits and data bits on all devices and on the WebdynSunPM.
    • Each device must be assigned a unique Modbus address (between 1 and 247) on the bus. (UnitID)

Anexos y otros documentos

Preguntas frecuentes


  • En caso de que el archivo se elimine de la carpeta después de conectar el concentrador WebdynRF, el problema suele deberse a un error de formato de archivo. Los archivos de configuración y comando deben respetar el formato descrito en los archivos de esquema (XSD). Para comprobar la coherencia de un esquema, abra el archivo XML con el editor de texto Notepad++ e instale el complemento “XML Tool”. Luego copie el archivo XSD correspondiente al archivo XML en la misma carpeta y seleccione en XML Tool “Validate now”. Deben mostrarse los errores detectados por la herramienta.
  • En caso de que el archivo no se elimine del servidor, el problema más común es que el archivo no se ha guardado en la ubicación correcta. El archivo debe estar disponible en el servidor en la carpeta “IN