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MTXTunnel by default allows access from any IP address.
If you enable a firewall, your system will be secure as you will avoid unauthorized access. This way, only configured IP (or DNS) addresses can connect and access MTX-Tunnel and the other services (GPRS serial tunnel, WebServer, Telnet…).
Table of Contents
Description: Parameter to enable firewall and to enable access only from the configured IP address.
Possible values:
- on, off
- Default value: on
Additional notes:
- This firewall will avoid unauthorized connections with MTX-Tunnel services.If you need to use the same security access, it is mandatory to enable WEBSERVER_firewall and TELNET_firewall (“on” value)
Description: Authorized IP addresses (FIREWALL_enabled: on).
Possible values:
- IP address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX string format
- Default value: none
Additional notes:
- Up to 10 IP addresses can be written