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Scenario details:
- We want to be able to access a vending machine’s RS232 port remotely from the company’s central offices. A SIM card with fixed IP will be used, and hte modem must be online at all times, waiting for connections in the TCP20010 port
- It is necessary for several users to have local access to the same RS232 port. These users will dispose of an Android telephone with Bluetooth and an app that allows them to establish an SPP Bluetooth connection with the RS232 port of the device using MTX
- Access to the machine will be available at all times from the central offices and when there is no connection, any user will be able to access it via Bluetooth in order to take readings
- For security reasons, the Bluetooth module needs to have a PIN (123499) and a user-friendly Bluetooth name, for example “MTXTUNNEL”
Solution: MTX-3G-Java-BAT (with Bluetooth) modem + MTX-Tunnel software
EXAMPLE of settings (file config.txt) for such scenario:
Configuration | Observations |
COMM_baudrate: 9600 COMM_bitsperchar: 8 COMM_autorts: off COMM_autocts: off COMM_stopbits: 1 COMM_parity: none COMM2_baudrate: 115200 COMM2_bitsperchar: 8 COMM2_autorts: on COMM2_autocts: on COMM2_stopbits: 1 COMM2_parity: none GPRS_apn: GPRS_login: MOVISTAR GPRS_password: MOVISTAR GPRS_timeout: 0 MTX_PIN: 0000 MTX_model: MTX-3G-Java-BAT MTX_mode: server MTX_portAux: gateway MTX_ping: 30 MTX_pingIP: MTX_urc: off TCP_port: 20010 BLUETOOTH_enabled: on BLUETOOTH_name: MTXTunnel BLUETOOTH_pin: 123499 BLUETOOTH_mode: server FIREWALL_enabled: off TELNET_enabled: on TELNET_login: user TELNET_password: 1234 | Serial port baud rate Number of bits No flow control No flow control 1 stop bit No parity Velocity of the Bluetooth serial port Number of data bits Flow control for Bluetooth Flow control for Bluetooth 1 stop bit configured No parity bit APN GPRS provided by the GSM operator GPRS Login GPRS Password Modem is always GPRS connected If SIM card doesn’t have PIN, leave as 0000 Modem model We do not want GPRS gateways Serial-Serial gateway necessary for Bluetooth Ping to ensure 3G/GPRS connectivity IP to execute the ping We do not need URC information messages TCP port waiting for connections Bluetooth activated Bluetooth friendly name PIN for the Bluetooth module (for security) Operative mode of the Bluetooth module Firewall disabled Telnet is activated Login for Telnet Password for Telnet |
- The COMM_ parameters refer to the vending machine’s RS232 serial port configuration. The COMM2_ parameters refer to the MTX’s internal Bluetooth module’s RS232 configuration and must have the same values as in the example
- The Bluetooth gateway can be established whenever there is no socket established; i.e. a GPRS-Serial gateway connecting to the device