Tunnel – MODBUS configuration parameter: “MODBUS_”

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MODBUS_ parameters can configure MTX-Tunnel to take modbus RTU device readings. The Modbus RTU device is connected to a serial port on the modem of MTX Terminals and the internal registers are read.

It is also possible to read and write modbus variables with AT^MTXTUNNEL=GETMODBUS and AT^MTXTUNNEL=SETMODBUS commands.


Description: ModBus RTU address parameter specification.

Possible values:

  • 1… 255
  • Default value: 1

Additional notes:

  • Please use the technical support line at iotsupport@mtxm2m.com for further information
  • From MTX-Tunnel version 7.12, it is possible to create several addresses in this parameter, meaning several Modbus devices can be read with just one modem. Each address must be separated by a semi-colon “;”. For example, if you wish to read the memory table of each device with addresses 1, 2 and 3, this parameter would have the value 1;2;3.


Description: This parameter indicates the first position to read from in the Modbus register table.

Possible values:

  • 1… 65535
  • Default value: 1

Additional notes:

  • MTX-Tunnel uses 2 bytes (Word type) variable data. Different sized data need further operations to send JSON object data to your server
    From MTX-Tunnel version 7.12, it is possible to create several starting points in this parameter, meaning several ranges can be read. Each starting point must be separated by a semi-colon “;”.
  • See this example for more information and examples of scenarios. Please use technical support line at gsmsupport@matrix.es for further information


Description: Number of registers to be read from the ModBus device from the address indicated by the MODBUS_start parameter.

Possible values:

  • 1… 20
  • Default value: 1

Additional notes:

  • This parameter is linked together with LOGGER_registerSize, so take the time to adjust it too From MTX-Tunnel version 7.18, it is possible to establish several numbers in this parameter, meaning several ranges can be read. Each different number must be separated by a semicolon “;”.
  • See this example for more information and scenario examples. Please use technical support line at iotsupport@mtxm2m.com for further information


Description: This parameter shows after how many seconds the MTX-Tunnel must get the ModBus device to read its memory.

Possible values:

  • 30… 2592000 seconds (from 30 seconds up to 30 days)
  • Default value: 900 (15 minutes)

Additional notes:

  • Please use the technical support line at iotsupport@mtxm2m.com for further information


Description: This parameter allows you to decide whether to send all readings from a Modbus device (set to “off”) or only send a message when there is a change in at least one of the readings (set to “on”).

Possible values:

  • on, off
  • Default Value: off (all readings are sent)

Additional notes:

  • This parameter is maintained for compatibility reasons. We ask you do not use it however. Instead, please use the parameter MODBUS_changeDiff


Description: This parameter allows you to choose the Modbus read command for applications where the MTX-Tunnel acts as modbusmaster for the reading and delivery of modbus records. The command 0x03 is used in most devices, but in others it may be necessary to use the command 0x04. With this parameter you can choose between 0x03 and 0x04. From MTX-Tunnel v8.07 you can use 0x01 and 0x02 for binary inputs.

Possible values:

  • 1, 2 3, 4
  • Default value: 3

Additional notes:

  • Please write to iotsupport@mtxm2m.com if you need further help
  • If you do not know which one to choose, we recommend you specify value 3
  • You can specify a different read command for each device to read. You must specify them separated by “;”


Description: this parameter allows you to choose the frequency of data recording in the Logger internal memory, to later deliver the records via GPRS. That is, it is possible to set, for example, a MODBUS_ period at 60, which states that the reading period of the Modbus records in seconds will be 60. We can also set, for example, a MODBUS_logFrequency of 3, so one of every 3 records will be internally stored and broadcast via GPRS.

Possible values:

  • 1… 65535
  • Default value: 1 (storage frequency = MODBUS_period)

Additional notes:

  • Please write to iotsupport@mtxm2m.com if you need further help
  • This parameter is very useful in scenarios where the MTX-Tunnel must poll several devices. For example, a device can be set with MODBUS_logFrequency “1” and another with MODBUS_logFrequency “5”. If we wanted to set a MODBUS_period of 60 seconds, from one of the devices data would be stored and sent every 60 seconds, and every 300 (5×60=300 seconds) from the other one
  • This parameter is very similar to the parameter MODBUS_logType. Please consult it in this manual; you will need it to use MODBUS_logFrequency properly


Description: by using this parameter, only the readings of Modbus records in which a change, as specified in MODBUS_changeDiff, has occurred are stored/sent. For example, if you specify a parameter MODBUS_ changeDiff with a value of 10 and read the records from address 40 to 45, if one of the records 40 to 45 shows a difference (absolute value) >=10 compared to the last reading (which was stored/sent), then that reading (of records 40 to 45) will be stored in the logger to be later sent via GPRS.

Possible values:

  • 0… 65535
  • Default value: 0

Additional notes:

  • Please write to iotsupport@mtxm2m.com if you need further help
  • This parameter is very useful in those scenarios where you only want to store/send data when there are significative changes in one of the variables. For example, imagine you have an application recording temperatures from a modbus sensor. The temperature must be read every 60 seconds, but you don’t want to send the records via GPRS if the temperature doesn’t change. Then, by setting a MODBUS_changeDiff at “1”, for example, you would only send the temperature records when they differ in 1 degree
  • This parameter is very similar to the parameter MODBUS_logType. Please consult it in this manual; you will need it to use MODBUS_changeDiff properly


Description: with this parameter you can specify if you are using MODBUS_logFrequency, MODBUS_ changeDiff or both. You can choose, for example, to store/send modbus readings from a device every MODBUS_logFrecuency, or to store/send modbus readings from the other device when one of the records changes more than specified in MODBUS_changeDiff or you can choose both at the same time.

Possible values:

  1. 0 (MODBUS_logFrecuency), 1 (MODBUS_changeDiff), 2 (MODBUS_logFrecuency y MODBUS_changeDiff)
  2. Default value: 0

Additional notes:

  • Please write to iotsupport@mtxm2m.com if you need further help


Description: This parameter adds a new value “C” in the JSON frame. This value is completely arbitrary for the user and can be used for whatever you want. For example, it could be interesting if you want to inform the server that incoming data is binary, word, long…

Possible values:

  • User String
  • Default value: nothing

Additional notes:

  • Check this example for a better understanding of this parameter. Please write to iotsupport@mtxm2m.com if you need further help


Description: This parameter allows us to define the type of Modbus register that is to be read automatically. Either “Word” or “DoubleWord” can be chosen.

Possible values:

  • 2 bytes (unsigned word), 4 bytes (unsigned doubleWord)
  • Default value: 2

Additional notes:

  • This parameter is available in versions from MTX-Tunnel v8.08. Before this version, the value “2” (Word) was the only option
  • Check this example for a better understanding of this parameter. Please write to gsmsupport@matrix.es if you need further help

Do you have a question? Need a quote? Please contact us.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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No, the concentrator is not able to decrypt data from WM-BUS equipment because it does not have a safe on board to guarantee the security of the encryption keys of your equipment. The recovered data is deposited without modification (without decryption) by the concentrator on your remote server.
Please check these items in this order:
  • the battery level: if the battery level is too low or empty, the product will not run properly or not run at all.
  • Modem reception level: a bad signal at the modem may also prevent the hub from uploading files. Look to move the product or install an external antenna to improve signal quality.
  • The last configuration file: a bad configuration file can block the product.

Remotely, by checking the regularly uploaded files if the product configuration is correct.

On site, by passing the magnet over the product, you will hear 3 short beeps.

Replace the product and inject the configuration from the old product into the new one. If a white list is used, remember to inject it into the new product as well.

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Gateway configuration:

Start by checking that the computer’s IP parameters are compatible with the WebdynSunPM IP address (by default

Launch a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc.) and enter the WebdynSunPM concentrator IP address in the address bar. An authentication page is displayed:

The default accesses are:

IdentifiantMot de passe

Click “Login”

There are two configuration solutions, using the web interface and using text messages:
  • Configuration using the web interface:
Start by establishing a connection to the concentrator by connecting to it to access the server configuration: Enter the “ethernet” or “modem” connection type: For an ethernet configuration, make sure the IP parameters are compatible with server access according to the concentrator local network configuration. For an ethernet connection, the configuration must be compatible with the concentrator’s local network topology so that it can access the servers. This configuration is done from the “Networks” configuration page (see section “Networks). For a modem connection, the modem configuration must be correct before a connection can be set up. This configuration is done from the “Modem” configuration page (see section “Modem). The parameters for the servers to be configured are at least the following: Therefore the following fields need to be configured: “Interface”, “Type”, “Server type”, “Address”, “Port”, “Login” and “Password”. The other fields can be left at the default values subject to the directories having been properly created beforehand. See section 3.1.2: “Configuration files for more details.
  • Text message configuration:
Text message configuration requires sending the following commands:
      • Apn: to configure the SIM card APN. (see section 3.2:“apn” modem configuration command)
      • Ftp: to configure the FTP server that will contain the concentration configuration (see section 3.3: “ftp” FTP configuration command”).
      • Connect: to launch the connection to the FTP server and load the configuration (see section 3.1: ““connect” connection command

Access to the FTP server depends on the selected solution.

If you have chosen a portal, it will give you the FTP server access identifiers.

If you want to use your own FTP server, contact your network administrator.

For all other configurations, and to determine the best solution, contact the Webdyn sales department which will advise you and direct you to the relevant contacts: contact@webdyn.com

General gateway use

There are 2 methods to force a concentrator factory reset:
  • Press the Factory Reset button on the concentrator for 20 seconds:
Wait. The concentrator will reboot using its factory configuration.
  • If a SIM card is installed and configured, a “factory” text message can also be used for factory reset. Just send the “factory” text message to the SIM card phone number (see section 3.7: “factory” reset command”)

It is possible to send commands to connected devices if they accept them.

The WebdynSunPM can store up to 50Mb of uncompressed data per declared device.

If there is no access to the remote server, the WebdynSunPM concentrator can store the data for several months.

The maximum data storage time varies depending on the amount of data to be collected and the configured collection frequency.

The average storage time varies from 3 to 4 months.

The average service life of the battery is 5 years.

It may vary depending on the installation environment.

All our products are guaranteed for 2 years.

For more information, read the general terms and conditions of sale.

The data volume depends on the exchanged files.

The average is about 5 MB per month but this varies from one installation to another.

Inverter compatibility

See section 1.4: “Supported devices”.

Modbus device compatibility:

Yes, different Modbus devices can be connected to the same serial port.

Device compatibility:

    • Same type of RS485 or 4 wire connection.
    • All devices should be able to be configured using identical bus specifications. Same speed, same parity, same number of stop bits and data bits on all devices and on the WebdynSunPM.
    • Each device must be assigned a unique Modbus address (between 1 and 247) on the bus. (UnitID)

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  • Start by checking that your computer’s IP parameters are compatible with the WebdynSun’s “IP” address (the default is 
  • Next, launch a web browser (Firefox or IE) and enter the WebdynSun’s IP address in the address bar. An authentication page will appear: 

The default accesses are:
Username: userhigh
Password: high

  • Click on “log in”  

There are two types of configuration: via the web interface or via SMS.

Configuration of the web interface:

1/ Go to the configuration page with the gateway IP address (default

2/ Go to the Configuration tab.

3/ Select either the Ethernet or modem connection mode:

If connecting via the local network (Ethernet):

  • Edit the WebdynSun’s IP parameters by assigning it a network-compatible address.

Please note, all fields must be completed in accordance with the configuration of your local network.

If connecting via the GPRS network (Modem):

  • Change the connection settings of the GPRS modem to the settings provided by your mobile operator.

4/ Edit the FTP server parameters.

5/ Confirm the changes.

6/ Restart the WebdynSun gateway using the new settings.

7/ In the menu, click on the “installation” tab, followed by the “connection” sub-tab and start the connection.

Configuration via SMS:

This configuration method requires the use of an active SIM card with a data option and a pin code that must be either “0000” or disabled.
The SIM card must be inserted into the unit before connection to the mains supply.
After connection to the mains supply, send the following SMS messages to the number of the previously inserted SIM card:

SMS for configuring the APN:
After replacing the generic fields with those of your operator, send the following SMS*:

Replace the above SMS fields with the following information:

  • apn_name: APN name supplied by your mobile operator
  • user_name: APN ID supplied by your mobile operator
  • password: APN password supplied by your mobile operator

SMS for FTP configuration:
After replacing the generic fields with those of your FTP server, send the following SMS*:

Replace the above SMS fields with the following information:

  • server_name: FTP server address
  • user_name: FTP account ID
  • Password: FTP account password
  • Port: FTP server port (the default port is 21)

Connection SMS:

Send the word “connect” by SMS* to launch a connection to the FTP server

*Please note: the formatting of the SMS must be exactly identical to that shown above (e.g.: no spaces between characters, etc.)

There are 2 ways of resetting the gateway.

  • If connecting by Ethernet:
    • Disconnect from the mains
    • Remove the cover
    • Disconnect the battery
    • Put the DIP Switch 2 on the WebdynSun card in “ON” position
    • Start the WebdynSun by connecting it only to the mains power supply
    • Wait until all the LEDs flash and then stop flashing (3 to 5 mins).
    • Disconnect from the mains
    • Reset the Dip Switch 2 to “OFF” 
    • Reconnect the battery
    • Reconnect to the mains supply and the WebdynSun starts normally.
  • If there is a SIM card inserted in the unit:
    • Send an SMS message containing the word “factory” to the number of the inserted SIM card.

NB : Resetting the gateway restores the configuration to its original state. Please note: data will be saved but the specific settings will not. Therefore, all the settings must be reconfigured.

Commands can be sent to connected devices with the exception of certain inverters and Modbus slaves that do not accept write requests.

If the device allows it, command files can be created on the FTP server.

The WebdynSun has a memory of about 100MB.

Therefore, if the remote server cannot be accessed, the WebdynSun gateway can backup data for several months.
The maximum data backup time varies depending on the amount of data to be collected.

The average backup time ranges from 3 to 4 months.

The average battery life is 5 years.

It may vary depending on the installation environment.

Yes, data may be sent to a PLC if the latter is equipped with a Modbus protocol.
The “Report” configuration file allows the WebdynSun gateway to automatically write the values read on a Modbus slave

All our products are guaranteed for 2 years.

For further information, please see our general conditions of sale.

Files uploaded by the WebdynSun gateway are compressed in Gz format.

The data contained in these files is structured in csv format.

The data volume depends on the files exchanged.

The average is about 5 MB per month but this varies from one installation to another.


Different brands of inverter may be connected to the RS485(B) port or via the Ethernet port if the inverter protocol is based on the Modbus protocol (RTU or TCP).

However, different brands of inverters cannot be connected to the same RS485(A) port.

For a list of compatible inverters, please see the product page of the WebdynSun data gateway
  • Check if the correct inverter protocol is selected before starting detection:
  • Check the wiring and configuration of the inverters by referring to the inverter appendices.
  • Check that the inverters are not in OFF or stand-by mode.
  • Check that the line end plugs on the RS 485(A) Bus are turned on.


Yes, any device you wish to connect must be configured and its Modbus definition file must be created.

The configuration is mainly based on the RS485 serial bus parameters and the IP parameters.

Yes, different Modbus devices can be connected to the same RS485 (B) port.

However, they must have the same communication parameters (bus parameters or compatible IP parameters), in order for them to communicate with each other.

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  • Warning – Firmware update V4.07.02 For the old version with SIM CARD of the pin code is 0000 you can update in this version. For the second case : When you insert a SIM CARD with pin code is 0000 used in this version (4.07.02) Downgrading to a previous version is not permitted.


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  • Warning – Firmware update V4.07.02 – For the old version with SIM CARD of the pin code is 0000 you can update in this version.

    For the second case : When you insert a SIM CARD with pin code is 0000 used in this version (4.07.02) Downgrading to a previous version is not permitted.


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  • If the file is deleted from the directory after connecting the WebdynRF gateway, the problem is usually due to a file format error. The configuration and control files must follow the format described in the schema (XSD) files. To check schema consistency, open the XML file with the Notepad++ text editor and install the “XML Tool” add-on. Next, copy the corresponding XSD file to the XML file in the same directory, and select “Validate now” in XML Tool. Errors detected by the tool should be displayed.
  • If the file is not deleted from the server, the most common problem is that the file has not been located correctly. The file must be available on the server in the “INBOX” directory and in the sub-directory bearing the product UID name (e.g.: “/INBOX/0045CE/”).


The amount of data exchanged on the GPRS network varies depending on the configuration. However, the average consumption would be about 5MB / month.
The WebdynRF gateway consumes an average of about 250mA.

There are 2 firmware updating methods:
Local updating:
On the WebdynRF configuration interface, go to the “Actions” tab and select the updater in the “File upload” menu before clicking on the “Upload” button

Remote updating:
Upload the file containing the updater (file with extension “.bz2”) in the “BIN” directory to the FTP server . Next, place the update command in the INBOX directory corresponding to your gateway (“INBOX/”, with, the identifier of the gateway concerned)

The update command must follow the following format:




  • updater.tar.bz2: Updater file name uploaded to the “BIN” directory
  • checksum_md5: Md5 code of the updater file

A lack of connection to the FTP server may be due to a network connection problem (Ethernet or GPRS), an FTP login problem or a failure to initiate the connection.

If you cannot connect to the network, check the following points:

  • Ethernet:
    • Modem set to “off” or “always off”
    • “Gateway” fields correctly entered
    • At least one DNS server must be configured
  • GPRS:
    • Modem set to “on”
    • APN, APN ID and APN password correctly entered
    • GPRS call number set to “*99***1#”

If you cannot log in, check the following points:

  • Incorrect FTP parameters
  • TCP port 21 closed at output
  • Domain name resolution problem: the DNS server is not specified

If the connection fails to initiate:

In this case, only the automatic connection does not work. The problem is probably caused by an incorrect schedule configuration. Please note, the schedule ID must be an integer.


For the WM-bus module data to be transmitted, you must:

  • Choose the mode corresponding to the modules used (S, T or N)
  • Define the modules or groups of modules to be processed

A module may be defined in a unique way by all the fields below:

  • Id
  • Manufacturer
  • Version
  • Medium

If a module’s data is encrypted, the encryption key for this module can be defined in the “Key” field.

To simplify the entry of the modules to be processed, a module group can be defined that conforms to the fields entered. The other fields will then be left empty (below is an example of a configuration for retrieving all Webdyn manufacturer (WDN) modules with the encryption key “00000000000000000000000000000000”.

  •   Id :
  •   Manufacturer : WDN
  •   Medium :
  •   Version :
  •   Label : Webdyn
  •   Key : 00000000000000000000000000000000

Note: In order for the modules (filters) entered to be taken into account, the “ByPass filter” mode must be deactivated.

Click here to read the media file 

Click here to read the units file 


The tool is connected to the gateway via the installer access (install).

It is therefore necessary to use the installer password (default is “middle”), and not the administrator’s password (default is “high”)

The statuses transmitted by the WebdynRF gateway are the raw values contained in the Wavenis modules. They are transmitted without interpretation. For further details, please refer to the Coronis module manuals.

Appendix and other documents



  • If the file is deleted from the directory after connecting the WebdynRF gateway, the problem is usually due to a file format error. The configuration and control files must follow the format described in the schema (XSD) files. To check schema consistency, open the XML file with the Notepad++ text editor and install the “XML Tool” add-on. Next, copy the corresponding XSD file to the XML file in the same directory, and select “Validate now” in XML Tool. Errors detected by the tool should be displayed.
  • If the file is not deleted from the server, the most common problem is that the file has not been located correctly. The file must be available on the server in the “INBOX” directory and in the sub-directory bearing the product UID name (e.g.: “/INBOX/0045CE/”).


The amount of data exchanged on the GPRS network varies depending on the configuration. However, the average consumption would be about 5MB / month.
The WebdynRF gateway consumes an average of about 250mA.

There are 2 firmware updating methods:
Local updating:
On the WebdynRF configuration interface, go to the “Actions” tab and select the updater in the “File upload” menu before clicking on the “Upload” button

Remote updating:
Upload the file containing the updater (file with extension “.bz2”) in the “BIN” directory to the FTP server . Next, place the update command in the INBOX directory corresponding to your gateway (“INBOX/”, with, the identifier of the gateway concerned)

The update command must follow the following format:




  • updater.tar.bz2: Updater file name uploaded to the “BIN” directory
  • checksum_md5: Md5 code of the updater file

A lack of connection to the FTP server may be due to a network connection problem (Ethernet or GPRS), an FTP login problem or a failure to initiate the connection.

If you cannot connect to the network, check the following points:

  • Ethernet:
    • Modem set to “off” or “always off”
    • “Gateway” fields correctly entered
    • At least one DNS server must be configured
  • GPRS:
    • Modem set to “on”
    • APN, APN ID and APN password correctly entered
    • GPRS call number set to “*99***1#”

If you cannot log in, check the following points:

  • Incorrect FTP parameters
  • TCP port 21 closed at output
  • Domain name resolution problem: the DNS server is not specified

If the connection fails to initiate:

In this case, only the automatic connection does not work. The problem is probably caused by an incorrect schedule configuration. Please note, the schedule ID must be an integer.


For the WM-bus module data to be transmitted, you must:

  • Choose the mode corresponding to the modules used (S, T or N)
  • Define the modules or groups of modules to be processed

A module may be defined in a unique way by all the fields below:

  • Id
  • Manufacturer
  • Version
  • Medium

If a module’s data is encrypted, the encryption key for this module can be defined in the “Key” field.

To simplify the entry of the modules to be processed, a module group can be defined that conforms to the fields entered. The other fields will then be left empty (below is an example of a configuration for retrieving all Webdyn manufacturer (WDN) modules with the encryption key “00000000000000000000000000000000”.

  •   Id :
  •   Manufacturer : WDN
  •   Medium :
  •   Version :
  •   Label : Webdyn
  •   Key : 00000000000000000000000000000000

Note: In order for the modules (filters) entered to be taken into account, the “ByPass filter” mode must be deactivated.

Click here to read the media file 

Click here to read the units file 


The tool is connected to the gateway via the installer access (install).

It is therefore necessary to use the installer password (default is “middle”), and not the administrator’s password (default is “high”)

The statuses transmitted by the WebdynRF gateway are the raw values contained in the Wavenis modules. They are transmitted without interpretation. For further details, please refer to the Coronis module manuals.

Annexes et autres documents

  • WARNING :  Pour les anciens produits qui disposent d’une carte SIM avec un code PIN à 0000 , la mise à jour vers la version 4.07.02 sera fonctionelle.

    Second cas : Si la carte SIM avec un code PIN à 0000 est utilisée dans cette version (4.07.02), le passage vers une mise à jour antérieure est interdit.